Sunday 18 October 2009

Let's blog...

I just got home from the cinema. I went to see "The time travellers wife" with Alice. She's been talking about the book for weeks, so I thought that maybe the nagging would stop once I'd seen the movie...
And it was AWESOME!!! I cried so much! It was the saddest thing in a long time, and I loved it!


Today was my fathers' birthday, (HAPPY B-DAY, DAD!!!) so I called him by lunch time, but I ended up speaking more to my sister than my dad. Of course, that can be because he doesn't have that much to say, and also because his home phone rang 2 times, with people wanting to send their congratulations...


Yesterday I was babysitting for my sister, because my mom and my step dad were out for the evening, but they came home at about 11 pm, so there went my night alone!!


School time tomorrow, I need to sleep,

Love and sugar,

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Send. Me. Tickets. NOW!

So.. Today was interesting..

There was this BIG fight between Rasmus and Amir, and it was scary! xD So I was all shaky and scared all day (because I'm a pussy! xD).
We missed out on our arts class, Because Fritte was sick.. *big sad face*
But then Jenny came along and saved the day! We sang "Gabriella's song", and it was amazing (we includes me, Jenny and Erik). Then I went to the gym, and after that I met my mom outside the pharmacy, and we went for a round of shopping!
We didn't buy that much, just some small stuff. Then we went home.

At home we had the biggest discussion about Amir, because he's stolen one of my books, and I'm so angry! Right now I could boil puppies.. well, not really, but gosh, I'm not that happy! Because this hasn't been the best day ever.. My math teacher resists to let me switch to another group, and I want to stick that pen of his up his nose..



Now that I have got that off my chest, I should also tell you that I'm bugging mu mom about it: SHE NEEDS TO BUY ME ONE SO THAT I CAN GO WITH ERIK!!!!!


This was the most meaningless post ever...

Love and sugar,

Monday 12 October 2009

Quick morning thoughts.

I just realized that there's a little chance that I may move to Boston next year... How awesome is that? Sure, I really want to move to London, but Boston was an offer I got, and I think I may take it... But I don't really know yet...

And shit, Erik just told me that there were tickets left for Kent!!!! And I need it... But I don't think I can afford one... PLEASE buy for me? :D

I need to bring Elvira 50 Kr, because I owe her, and then I have to go to Pauline's autumn concert.. or I don't have to, but I want to, but i don't think I have time for that, because I have such a pile of homework that god himself would be surprised to see me survive...

No, I don't have time for this anymore...

Love and morning sugar,

Need... Sleep...

I am the most tired woman on earth. And I can't understand why I'm not in bed! I should've gone hours ago!

But I'm sitting here, listening to Yellowcard, and I'm also watching "Roast Bernst".

And I'm going to book tickets to Paramore tomorrow. *happy*
And my friend Alice is going with me!

So I am going to die, because I can't decide the motive of my tattoo! Sure, it's like 6 months away, but still, I want to be SUPERDUPERSURE!


I'm super excited about Emelie and Linus wedding this summer! I feel like I have to explain who they are: Linus is my sisters husbands brother, and Emelie is his soon-to-be-wife! And it's going to be awesome!! I love weddings, and to see them getting married is such an honor. It's so sweet of Emelie to invite me; thank you so much!

And I forgot; Happy birthday to Linus! And his brother Andreas, too! They had their birthdays last week, but I forgot to wright about it here...


I'm thinking of recording a few of my songs, and giving them out as christmas presents... But I'm not quite sure yet... Because there are so many! I have to talk to my music teacher about that tomorrow...

Alice, you're the best, you know... You are an awesome friend, and you support whatever I do. I love you. <3 xD

No, I'm killing you, again.

Love and sugar,

Sunday 11 October 2009


So I just came inside...
I've been out in the woods, and guess what I was doing?
Chantalle's. Or, I wasn't doing them (lol), but you know what I mean -.-'. I got about 3 liters.

And now I'm sitting here, listening to Michael Bolton, and it's AMAZING XD
And I think I have to sleep.. I haven't done that since... 1994? :O Well, it feels like it.
But instead I'm going to read Breaking dawn by Stephenie Meyer... It's like the fifth time, but.. I don't care! :P

So I can't stop thinking about this coming April... Like, am I getting the best presents for my birthday, or what? A tattoo and a sibling! Awesome! :D

And I long for my sister SO much... I'm so happy about me staying with her when I go to my dad's... It's going to be amazing! And Dennis is going to hate me after just one week.. xD But perhaps it will be different, since I'm going to be all tired after work all the time, but I think that my sister and I can squeeze in some goofing around...

I'm really pissed at my father, though. He books a trip to Thailand when I'm supposed to there for three weeks, so I won't be able to see him for more than one week! How crappy is that, huh?

Well, if you didn't die because of my crappy blog, well then, feel lucky, you'll live forever, you are immortal!

Love and sugar,

Friday 9 October 2009

Long time no... Wrighting?

I just have to put this text here, even if it is in Swedish... I don't care, since my only follower speaks Swedish.. xD

Vad finns det att göra,
När den man älskar inte vill höra?
När man älskar någon så att du fylls med smärta,
varje gång han går, och krossar ditt hjärta.
När man är som ett hav, ett hav utan vind,
Okapabel att röra sig, och man känner sig blind.
Tårarna rinner ner för mina kinder,
Vägen känns längre än den är, som ett stort jävla hinder.
Hur ska solen kunna stiga utan sin himmel att hänga fast vid?
Utan en månes väg att följa, i en värld utan tid.
Om det fanns ett sätt för mig att rymma iväg och glömma,
Ett sätt att vara med dig ifred, och bara få drömma.
Om det fanns ett sätt för dig att älska mig,
Så skulle jag göra allt för att få stanna hos dig.
Om drömmar var sanna, och det inte fanns något svek,
Om du inte trodde att jag bara är ung, att det är på lek,
Om det fanns ett sätt att visa att jag menar allvar,
Skulle du då stanna kvar?
Ge mig en chans att visa att jag kan,
Att jag kan vara starkare än en vuxen man.
Att jag är lika kapabel att älska, så som en vuxen man som dig,
Snälla, snälla, försök att älska mig.

So.. there you go :P

It's been a VERY long time since I last put up a new post, so I'll have to fill you in...

I've had the swineflew, then my father told me that I'm getting a brother or sister next April, and I'm the official "musiclady" (xD) in my schoolplay.
I am going to go to my father for the holydays, both this x-mass, and in a few weeks, to get my job experience done, and then spend one week with my sister up in the northern parts of Sweden...
And I'm currently haveing ischias-problems... And I'm still sick.
And I just realized that my life is SO boring!

Right now I'm at our summerplace, and ofcourse there's nothing to do here, except sitting here, by the copmuter, or to die out of boringness xD
And I miss my Emma! Today my old musicteacher wrote to me on facebook, and he said that he had listened to mine and Emma's song that we preformed at the schoolshow ( , crappy cuality, and I was such a bad singer back then!), and I just started crying. I am still weeping xD I miss her so SO much! Oh my god, I have to see her soon!
I have got no money on my phone! But since I have free texting, it's doesn't bother me that much.. And I realized today, that since I bought this phone (like in November last year), I have sended 30 000 textmessages! And that makes like almost 2727 text's a MONTH! I have to cut down in the texting.. xD
Oh my god, if you're still reading, you must be bored as hell.. I'll stop now! And I'm too tired to spell correctly, so there has to be like a thousand words that are spelled wrong.

Love and sugar

Tuesday 8 September 2009

So I have this big problem.. I have to write a plan for my arts class, and I don't know what to do.. I can do whatever I want, and that's the problem! I like being told what to do! It's just so hard! :(

So tomorrow there's this thing at school where we have to run in the woods, and it's so boring! And then I have to go to the gym, but I don't want to, I'm to tired..

And I feel that it's time for a quotation!

"Sometimes you just have to let him go, and leave the past for the time travellers "

And this blog is a disaster (Y)

Love and sugar,