Wednesday 14 October 2009

Send. Me. Tickets. NOW!

So.. Today was interesting..

There was this BIG fight between Rasmus and Amir, and it was scary! xD So I was all shaky and scared all day (because I'm a pussy! xD).
We missed out on our arts class, Because Fritte was sick.. *big sad face*
But then Jenny came along and saved the day! We sang "Gabriella's song", and it was amazing (we includes me, Jenny and Erik). Then I went to the gym, and after that I met my mom outside the pharmacy, and we went for a round of shopping!
We didn't buy that much, just some small stuff. Then we went home.

At home we had the biggest discussion about Amir, because he's stolen one of my books, and I'm so angry! Right now I could boil puppies.. well, not really, but gosh, I'm not that happy! Because this hasn't been the best day ever.. My math teacher resists to let me switch to another group, and I want to stick that pen of his up his nose..



Now that I have got that off my chest, I should also tell you that I'm bugging mu mom about it: SHE NEEDS TO BUY ME ONE SO THAT I CAN GO WITH ERIK!!!!!


This was the most meaningless post ever...

Love and sugar,

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